Narayan Desai (1924-2015) hosted the War Resisters’ International Triennial conference in India in December 1985. Shown here with with U.S. Quaker nonviolence trainer Charles Walker (1920-2004) at Desai’s Institute for Total Revolution in Vedchhi, I

Narayan Desai (1924-2015) hosted the War Resisters’ International Triennial conference in India in December 1985. Shown here with with U.S. Quaker nonviolence trainer Charles Walker (1920-2004) at Desai’s Institute for Total Revolution in Vedchhi, India.

 War Resisters’ International staff members Howard Clark and Veronica Kelly. The board shows the WRI founding declaration in English and Hindi.

War Resisters’ International staff members Howard Clark and Veronica Kelly. The board shows the WRI founding declaration in English and Hindi.

 Sessions during the Triennial were held at Swaraj Ashram, Vedchhi, Gujarat, India.

Sessions during the Triennial were held at Swaraj Ashram, Vedchhi, Gujarat, India.

 Bayard Rustin (1912-1987) attended the Triennial in Vedcchi, India.

Bayard Rustin (1912-1987) attended the Triennial in Vedcchi, India.

 Attendees at the WRI Triennial including members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament India.

Attendees at the WRI Triennial including members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament India.

sandals outside meeting_web.jpg
 Outside the Gandhi Bookstore.

Outside the Gandhi Bookstore.

 Gandhi’s residence in Mumbai from 1917 and 1934. He launched satyagraha and civil disobedience campaigns from here. It is now a museum.

Gandhi’s residence in Mumbai from 1917 and 1934. He launched satyagraha and civil disobedience campaigns from here. It is now a museum.

 The ruins at Ellora, a rock-cut monastery-temple cave featuring Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600-1000 CE.

The ruins at Ellora, a rock-cut monastery-temple cave featuring Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600-1000 CE.

 Most members of U.S. delegation to the WRI Triennial. Among those in the photo are WRL staff member  Igal Roodenko  (standing left back) and Philadelphia Quaker activists  Lillian  and  George  Willoughby (Lillian far left, George seated left in Gan

Most members of U.S. delegation to the WRI Triennial. Among those in the photo are WRL staff member Igal Roodenko (standing left back) and Philadelphia Quaker activists Lillian and George Willoughby (Lillian far left, George seated left in Gandhi shirt). New England WRL staff Joanne Sheehan is seated with kids Patrick and Annie Sheehan-Gaumer with Rick Gaumer standing back right.

 British pacifist  Myrtle Solomon  in flower lei at her last Triennial as Chair of War Resisters’ International. She served as Chair from 1975 thru December 1986. Her speech to the gathering is in a  collection of her writings on the WRI website . Pe

British pacifist Myrtle Solomon in flower lei at her last Triennial as Chair of War Resisters’ International. She served as Chair from 1975 thru December 1986. Her speech to the gathering is in a collection of her writings on the WRI website. Peter Jones, standing behind Myrtle, has been active with WRI for more than 40 years and is currently the contact in Australia.

 Narayan Desai (1924-2015) hosted the War Resisters’ International Triennial conference in India in December 1985. Shown here with with U.S. Quaker nonviolence trainer Charles Walker (1920-2004) at Desai’s Institute for Total Revolution in Vedchhi, I
 War Resisters’ International staff members Howard Clark and Veronica Kelly. The board shows the WRI founding declaration in English and Hindi.
 Sessions during the Triennial were held at Swaraj Ashram, Vedchhi, Gujarat, India.
 Bayard Rustin (1912-1987) attended the Triennial in Vedcchi, India.
 Attendees at the WRI Triennial including members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament India.
sandals outside meeting_web.jpg
 Outside the Gandhi Bookstore.
 Gandhi’s residence in Mumbai from 1917 and 1934. He launched satyagraha and civil disobedience campaigns from here. It is now a museum.
 The ruins at Ellora, a rock-cut monastery-temple cave featuring Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600-1000 CE.
 Most members of U.S. delegation to the WRI Triennial. Among those in the photo are WRL staff member  Igal Roodenko  (standing left back) and Philadelphia Quaker activists  Lillian  and  George  Willoughby (Lillian far left, George seated left in Gan
 British pacifist  Myrtle Solomon  in flower lei at her last Triennial as Chair of War Resisters’ International. She served as Chair from 1975 thru December 1986. Her speech to the gathering is in a  collection of her writings on the WRI website . Pe

Narayan Desai (1924-2015) hosted the War Resisters’ International Triennial conference in India in December 1985. Shown here with with U.S. Quaker nonviolence trainer Charles Walker (1920-2004) at Desai’s Institute for Total Revolution in Vedchhi, India.

War Resisters’ International staff members Howard Clark and Veronica Kelly. The board shows the WRI founding declaration in English and Hindi.

Sessions during the Triennial were held at Swaraj Ashram, Vedchhi, Gujarat, India.

Bayard Rustin (1912-1987) attended the Triennial in Vedcchi, India.

Attendees at the WRI Triennial including members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament India.

Outside the Gandhi Bookstore.

Gandhi’s residence in Mumbai from 1917 and 1934. He launched satyagraha and civil disobedience campaigns from here. It is now a museum.

The ruins at Ellora, a rock-cut monastery-temple cave featuring Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600-1000 CE.

Most members of U.S. delegation to the WRI Triennial. Among those in the photo are WRL staff member Igal Roodenko (standing left back) and Philadelphia Quaker activists Lillian and George Willoughby (Lillian far left, George seated left in Gandhi shirt). New England WRL staff Joanne Sheehan is seated with kids Patrick and Annie Sheehan-Gaumer with Rick Gaumer standing back right.

British pacifist Myrtle Solomon in flower lei at her last Triennial as Chair of War Resisters’ International. She served as Chair from 1975 thru December 1986. Her speech to the gathering is in a collection of her writings on the WRI website. Peter Jones, standing behind Myrtle, has been active with WRI for more than 40 years and is currently the contact in Australia.

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